Sunday, June 13, 2010

Online Ovi Chat di komputer

Pulsa anda habis padahal ingin online ovi chat? Saya punya beberapa aplikasi agar anda bisa online di ovi chat melalui PC.

Pilih salah satu antara Psi, Adium, atau Pidgin

Configuring Psi:

To download Psi, please go to: here 

To configure Psi to run on Nokia Chat, follow the steps:

1. Open Psi.
2. Click the Psi symbol and select Account Setup.
3. Click Add n the Jabber Accounts window
4. Name your account in the Name field, e.g. "Nokia Chat"
5. Check that Register new account is not selected.
6. Click Add.
7. Enter your Nokia Account username to Jabber ID field


8. Click the Connection tab.
9. Select all checkboxes, except 'Probe legacy SSL port.'
10. Enter in the Host field,
11. Enter 5223 in the Port field
12. Choose Legacy SSL in the Encrypt connection drop-down menu


13. Click Save and your done!

Configuring Adium: 

To download Adium, please visit: here

To configure Adium to run on Nokia Chat, follow the steps:

1. Start Adium
2. Select Preferences from Adium menu
3. Select Account preferences pane (should be the left-most tab)
4. Click the plus (+) button at the bottom left corner for adding a new account (select Jabber from the drop-down list)
5. Fill in your Nokia Account in the username field


6. Tab over to Options tab and configure the following details:
  • Connect server:
  • Port: 5223
  • Force old-style SSL: Tick the box
  • Require SSL/TLS: Tick the box


7. Click OK and your done!

Configuring Pidgin:

To download Pidgin, please visit:

To configure Pidgin to run on Nokia Chat, follow the steps:

1. Start Pidgin
2. Select Add/Edit from Accounts menu
3. Click Add from the Accounts dialog
4. Fill the Add account window with following details:
  • Protocol: XMPP
  • Username: your Nokia Account (without
  • Domain:
  • Password: you may enter your password if you want to sign on automatically, but it is recommended that you leave it empty for security reasons
  • Remember password: check the box if you'd like Pidgin to remember your password (you won't be prompted to enter it each time you sign in, if you select this option)


5. Click Advanced tab and configure it as follows:
  • Require SSL/TLSTick the box
  • Force old (port 5223) SSLTick the box
  • Connect port: 5223
  • Connect server: 

[Image edited 5.8.2008]

6. Click Save and your done!

sumber : 

Flashing your 5230 with JAF

Bagaimana cara flashing 5230? Flashing digunakan untuk memasukkan file FW ataupun CFW ke 5230 anda. Download tutorial flasing disini (Indonesian version) atau disini (English version)

Credit to orewriter

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

CFW 5230 by me [ryz]

Peluncuran CFW 5230 created by Ryz

features :

- disable mynokia welcome
- added file browser [goodbye x-plore]
- permanent hack
- vodafone+orange HS
- disable boot-up application
- new boot and shutdown screen
- use spinslide theme effect [credit to nuvoz]
- disable keyboard light [saver battery power]
- use theme darkcity
- speeds up your device a lot because of some graphics tweaks! games and applications run faster
- enables sending of SIS, SISX, JAR files via Default File manager
- moves the RAM Cache to C: for super fast performance
- lightning fast screen rotation [boosts your acceleratometer)
- font changed to cartoon [credit to orewriter]
- chinese and malay deleted
download here


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