Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Super Hidden with Command Prompt [cmd]

Wanna hide your secret folder? This is what you need..
When you see “..” type it without quotes, ex: “name” mean name
  1. First, press Start(Windows logo)+R
  2. Type “cmd
  3. Choose drive you want to hidden, eg C:
  4. Type “attrib +h +s foldername” and then press Enter button
    ex: C:\attrib +h +s Program Files [enter]
  5. Hoopla, your folder is hidden!
  6. If you want to unhide that folder just type “attrib -h -s foldername” and then press Enter. ex: C:\attrib -h -s Program Files [enter]
  7. Hoopla, your folder is back.. :-D


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